Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Loving CF3!!! We get an amazing amount of production done in a very short amount of time, and everyone's working on the timing...

Monday, September 27, 2010

tending to look busy, then leaving early!
How much do I love actually getting out at 2:05??? I really like the authoritarian ways of our new Intructor. :-) No idiots standing around not cleaning and pre
lin' around allowed...and I'm extremely grateful fo that!
where we're stepping it up about three notches. We'll be cooking fast and furious, and from the Chef Instructor's intro last week, I gather there will be no foo
Completed CF2 with an A- (was it the written test that pulled me down, I wonder?)...had some of the best scores for practical tests yet. Anyway, now on to CF3,

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mama needs some new shoes...and they're NOT Jimmy Choos!

Well it's happened...I'm excited about buying comfortable, practical shoes. Yes, the girl who has an undisclosed number of girly-girl designer high heels is happy to announce that her school uniform shoes SUCK so bad for my feet, I'm ordering some Klogs. These were suggested by Chef Blanca (both she and Sous Chef Antonio live in them), so I'm gonna get a couple pair to try out. So far, they look awesome. Slip resistant, polyurathane (they can actually be washed IN the dishwasher...LOVING that feature), and they come with footbed inserts that cushion your heels (mine have been killing me!) and are anti-microbial. All good stuff for a budding chef who's been dealing with aching feet, ankles and back ever since I started doing this double shift thing. The extra bonus is that they're only $50, as opposed to the $120-130 that Danskos are going for. They're not pretty, but at this point, I really don't care. Besides, they'll go really well with my crazy black/white elastic waisted pants. ;-) A fashion maven I am NOT while cooking, but I love it so much I just don't care!